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Arresting My Love

Arresting My Love



"Virginia Carson is an orphan who was adopted by the Wilson Family as a child. However, when she grows up, Mrs. Wilson forces Virginia to marry her son. Desperate Virginia posted a marriage advertisement, willing to spend 1 million yuan to marry any man who is willing to get married. Kent Lopez, the most powerful man in City A, is heartbroken that the woman he loves is going to marry his younger brother. Therefore, when he saw the marriage advertisement of Virginia, he planned to use Virginia to provoke his lover. So, they had a wedding soon. At the wedding, the priest asked, do you take her (him) to be your lawful, wedded wife (husband)? Kent said: No, I don’t. And I swear I'll never fall in love with you. Virginia said: I hope our cooperation goes well. May our friendship last forever. This was a curse. But both of them are breaking this curse as time goes ..."

Chapter 1 You Have No Right to Say No!

Great Glory Hotel.

The corridor on the 13th floor of the VIP area.

Virginia Carson was looking around with a small bag. There were rooms on both sides of the corridor, but none of them was her target.

What she was looking for was a men's toilet.

Yes, men's.

Her hands trembled as they held the bag.

In the darkness, a figure popped out of a room. That scared Virginia into taking a step back.

It was a woman, and her face was covered in tears. Her delicate makeup had been messed up.

Standing right before the room, Virginia was surprised to find that it was a men's toilet.

Inside it was a man facing the door sideways.

"Kent Lopez, remember, I did so because of you! It's all your fault!" After saying that in a broken voice, the woman covered her face and ran away.

The man turned around expressionlessly and walked into the third stall.

Virginia's heart did a flip. After a moment of hesitation, she entered the toilet and whispered to herself, "Oh my god, he didn't tell me he had a girlfriend on WeChat."

She came to the stall and pushed open the door with a creak. The next second, she looked into a pair of deep black eyes and felt chilly from her feet to her head. Subconsciously, she swallowed.

She was scared and also amazed.

She stood numbly on the spot, and her eyes locked on his face.

He was sitting on the toilet lid with his legs wide opened and a cigarette between his fingers. He raised his head and met her eyes.

Under the fluorescent light, her skin looked as white and soft as snow. There was a slight flush on her face with light makeup, making her comely and adorable.

Her petite figure was wrapped in a loose neutral T-shirt, revealing her pretty collarbones.

He narrowed his eyes coldly without showing any politeness.

"Looking for a man in the male toilet?"

His deep voice, just like a cello piece, irritated her fragile eardrums. She couldn't help rubbing her ears to stop his voice from making her tremble.

"I came here for you. I've brought things." She didn't forget her purpose and handed her bag to him.

The man stuck the cigarette between his lips and took the bag over.

Impatiently, he opened it and took out the things inside.

They were a copy of the ID card, a household register, and a medical report.

He bit the cigarette lightly as he scanned three items again and again.

Virginia felt it hard to restrain herself from looking at his delicate facial features, including his manly brows furrowing slightly, his sexy lips holding the cigarette, and his deep eyes under the light.

It was her first time to see such a masculine and handsome man as him.

While she was in a trance, he put the things back into the bag.

Noticing his movement, she said hurriedly, "If you are satisfied with me, we can get married now..."

Before she could finish her words, she was suddenly dragged into the stall.

In this tiny space, her back was flattened against the wooden board as he cornered her with his arms and stared at her.

A dangerous aura was exuded from him. "You want to marry me? Do you know who I am?"

Virginia had never been so close to a man. She bit her pink lip nervously and stammered pitifully, "We, we've talked on WeChat, haven't we? I give you money and you... marry me. You've promised me! You can't go back on your words!"

It was not easy to find a man who was willing to marry her and looked so handsome. How could she let go of him easily?

Thinking of something, she fumbled out a crumpled piece of paper from her pocket and almost tore it as she unfolded it clumsily.

"Look, one million yuan. As long as you marry me, this is yours then!"

The man took it over and had a glance at it before tearing it in two.

She was stunned and tried to stop him. But just then, he pressed even closer to her.

"I don't want money. I want... your body."

He played tricks on her with deep malice and interest in his eyes.

As he had expected, she fell into silence.

He revealed a triumphant smile and straightened up slowly.

But then, his wrist was grabbed by a soft hand.

He looked down at her hand and then up to her face.

Her eyes were moist as her hand moved up to his chest through his shirt.

It was unskillful but tempting.

He narrowed his eyes fiercely.

"I... I can do it. As long as you marry me, my... my body is then yours."

To achieve her aim, she was willing to pay one million yuan which was an astronomical figure to her. Compared with that, her body was penniless and could certainly be sacrificed.

Suddenly, the bulb above them sizzled and then went out, plunging everything into darkness.

"Bitch." The man squeezed her chin maliciously.

"Are you women all bitches?" He rubbed her chin teasingly. "You can sacrifice everything to a man when necessary but kick him away when he becomes useless. You're all the same."

"You... you've promised me." Virginia blinked her eyes quickly in the darkness to force her tears back. But even so, she failed to hide her choking voice.

"As you wish..." After a second of silence, he lowered his head to bite her lips mercilessly.

She hummed and tasted the rust. It was her blood.

She closed her eyes quietly, letting the man invade her body.

Pressed against the wall, her back ached under his violent movements. Finally, tears flowed down her face.

"Be lighter... please." She put her hands weakly on his strong chest in silent resistance.

But soon, her slender wrists were grabbed by his big hand and lifted up to her head.

Seeing her watery eyes and red cheeks, he softened his movement slightly. But his voice was still vicious.

"If you want to achieve your aim, I advise you not to reject my invasion. You have no right to say 'no'!"

Despite her disheveled look, he suddenly carried her in his arms and walked out of the toilet.

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